Thursday, July 28, 2011


I worked with nanoscale materials-zeolites and magnetic iron- and just really enjoy tiny, hard to see particles. I tried to get my students to see atoms when teaching our AFM lab. So I've got a couple of reports on small things
1. Carbon nanotubes may not save the world-or specifically, may be linked to cancer

I know we're all shocked here, and I have suspicions about any single new cool technology. Nothing is perfect. That said, there are also a lot of things that can be linked to cancer. If I spent my days going around doing nothing that has ever been linked to cancer. . . well, I'd be stuck just in terms of vitamin D-too much sun=cancer. Not enough sun=not enough D=cancer. So I'm not convinced that we can live in a perfectly safe world, much as we'd like to.
Cool concept-actual 3D imaging of nanoparticles.
anyone seen the details?

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